A toast with the captain of this cruise ship might be done with a glass of milk rather than something alcoholic - because there's a cat at the helm.
Aboard the Nikolay Chernyshevsky tourist boat in Russia is Sailor, the exotic shorthair cat.
Dressed in his captain's jacket and hat, he strolls around the boat, looking the part.
This is Sailor the exotic shorthair cat, leading the cruises of the Nikolay Chernyshevsky tourist boat in Russia
A quick check out the window for any late passengers, and the cat is ready to head off
And joining him on the captain's deck is Boatswain the Scottish fold.
The pair shot to fame after photos emerged on the internet of the pair cruising the rivers between Moscow and St Petersburg dressed in the height of maritime fashion.
Tourists on this river cruise might well be toasting milk rather than cocktails with the captain
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