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Young man to cancer-stricken fiancé: ‘I want to give you a wedding!’ (3)

(People's Daily Online)    13:40, April 18, 2016
Young man to cancer-stricken fiancé: ‘I want to give you a wedding!’
Liu carries Tang when she could not stand. (Hunan Daily/Gong Qihan)

Liu Shuangtian and Tang Yaping are a couple from a village in southern China’s Hunan province. They met in high school, and just when they thought they were ready to tie the knot in 2016, a huge challenge came their way: 25-year-old Tang was diagnosed with leukemia.

Liu explained, “On Dec. 23, 2015, I got the call from Yaping. She told me she had leukemia and was going to die. I felt like my whole world was collapsing in front of my eyes. She is such a kind and outstanding girl. I don’t understand how a bad thing like this could happen to someone like her.”

Liu quit his job in Shenzhen to take care of Tang full time. He taught himself massage techniques in order to ease Tang’s pain. Every time Tang feels frustrated and considers giving up, Liu encourages and supports her.

“No one should die at the age of 25! It’s not fair!” Liu says. He says he wants to see Tang wear a white dress, walk down the aisle, and one day have their children. “I want to give her a wedding. No matter how hard it is, I will never give up,” Liu promised Tang’s mother. 


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Bianji)

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