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10-year-old girl writes letter to help raise treatment funds (9)

(People's Daily Online)    17:06, April 12, 2016
10-year-old girl writes letter to help raise treatment funds
Seeing the rape flowers, Yan Meng is happy. But she asks, "Will I see the flowers the next year?"

A 10-year-old girl from central China’s Anhui province recently wrote a three-page letter to the public in hopes of raising money to help cure her congenital heart disease.

The girl, Yan Meng, was diagnosed with congenital heart disease eight years ago. She had one surgery when she was very young, but the disease was not cured. A second one is needed now, or else the disease will almost surely take her life.

Due to expensive treatment fees, Yan’s family already has a great deal of debt. The second surgery costs 300,000 yuan, a burden the family can no longer afford. Though a number of local community members have made donations, the money Yan has collected is still far from enough.

To raise more money, Yan wrote a letter to the public, hoping that some warm-hearted people will be willing lend a helping hand. She said that she will do her best to pay it forward if the surgery succeeds, and she will donate her organs if it fails.

Despite the pain brought on by the disease, Yan still studies hard. She cannot play sports and needs more rest than others, but she still dreams of becoming a doctor one day if her disease can be cured. 


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