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Plane carrying bodies of Israelis killed in Istanbul attack arrives in Tel Aviv (3)

(Xinhua)    08:19, March 21, 2016

Emergency personnel transfer injured Israeli in the Istanbul suicide bomb attack upon their arrival at the Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, March 20, 2016.

Emergency personnel transfer injured Israeli in the Istanbul suicide bomb attack upon their arrival at the Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, March 20, 2016. An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) plane carrying the bodies of three Israelis killed in a suicide bombing attack in Istanbul landed in Israel on Sunday afternoon, the Israeli army said. On board the plane were the bodies of the three Israeli victims in the attack, and five injured Israelis who were evacuated to hospitals in Israel, one of whom is said to be in critical condition. (Xinhua/JINI)


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(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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