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Watch out! Naughty mule walks in the motorway

By Wang Ao (People's Daily Online)    15:28, January 08, 2016
Watch out! Naughty mule walks in the motorway
The naughty mule is taken to the safety zone until its owner catches up with it. (Zhejiang Daily/Lin Yunlong)

On Jan. 7, 2016, a mule who carried bamboo crafts on the back strolled from Beishan Road to Shuguang Road in Hangzhou city, capital of east China's Zhejiang province.

Some passersby failed to pull it away from the motorway. The naughty mule was taken to the safety zone eventually until its owner caught up with it.

"We work at the construction site of Baopu Taoist Park and this mule is used to carry building materials. It is helpful especially when we climb up and down mountains. Unexpectedly, it shook off the rein and ran away when I went to the toilet. I asked the passersby and finally caught up with it. Fortunately, no accident happened," said the owner.


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(Editor:Wang Ao,Bianji)

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