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35,000 yuan in cash buried underground turn into mush after 5 years

(People's Daily Online)    14:09, November 27, 2015
35,000 yuan in cash buried underground turn into mush after 5 years

Mr. Wu, a 67-year-old fisherman, buried his savings of 35,000 yuan in cash underground five years ago in Deyang county, southwest China's Sichuan province. When the banknotes were dug out, they had rotted away.

Wu said that he buried the money just to prevent thefts. He didn't save it in bank as it was too difficult for him to remember the password of the account.

After knowing the situation, the local bank has retrieved part of the money and gave Wu about 20,000 yuan. (Photo/WMG)


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(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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