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Police pull over a Lamborghini with a teddy bear strapped on the roof (4)

By Huang Jin (People's Daily Online)    08:47, November 19, 2015
Police pull over a Lamborghini with a teddy bear strapped on the roof

A shining green Lamborghini with a huge plush bear bound to its rear was stopped by police in Chengdu at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday.

According to police officer Tan Qiao, he noticed the car near the Chengdu Sports Center. The Lamborghini was not moving at high speed, but the huge plush bear strapped to across the rear windshield was somewhat eye-catching. Considering there might be the security risk, he stopped the car.

"The bear has blocked the rear windshield of the car and the driver cannot see out of the back. If the bear falls on the ground, it would easily lead to accidents!" said Tan Qiao. So he asked the driver to remove the bear immediately. As the plush bear measures 2 meters in height, it was too big to fit inside the sportscar. The driver had to call a friend to come to take the bear away.

According to Tan, the driver was a young man with a pollution mask, and the plush bear was a gift that he bought for his girlfriend. (Photo/SCOL)



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(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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