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Bullet in envelope sent to Greek deputy finance minister

(Xinhua)    10:28, October 27, 2015

ATHENS, Oct. 26 -- Greek police on Monday were investigating a threat made to Deputy Finance Minister Tryfon Alexiades following the discovery of a bullet and a note in an envelope sent to his office, according to a ministry statement.

The short note was signed by "Red Faction" and included clear threats against the official and his family members.

"You and your family will understand what fear means," the note said, according to the press release.

It was not the first time that a Greek government official has received such a threatening note in recent years, as the country struggles to overcome a severe debt crisis.

Last year the then central Bank of Greece governor received a similar envelope, and in 2013 it was the then finance minister.

However, Monday's threat was the first made against an official of the Left-led government elected in January this year and reelected in September.

The envelope came as society reacts to the new harsh austerity and reform policies promoted by the government under the bailout reached in the summer, the third for Greece since 2010.

Trade unions representing public servants, pharmacists, farmers and other professionals have launched an escalating wave of strikes and protests in recent weeks, while small groups of anarchists have held sit in protests in public buildings across Athens.

On Monday, a group of anti-establishment youth held a sit in protest at the headquarters of the Independent Greeks party, the junior partner in the coalition government. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Liang Jun,Bianji)

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