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Suspected stony-iron meteorite found in SW China

By Wang Ao (People's Daily Online)    15:36, August 18, 2015
Mr. Feng collects a piece of stony-iron meteorite with magnetism in Mianyang city, southwest China's Sichuan province. (Photo/ scol.com.cn)

Eight year ago, an old man with the surname 'Feng' found a piece of irregularly shaped black stone in the foundation of a construction site at a depth of 10 meters in Mianzhu city, southwest China's Sichuan province.

He kept the stone at home, weighed it with an electronic scale and got the weight of 57.83 kilograms. Since then Mr. Feng has searched for the knowledge of aerolites on the Internet.

Yang Lin, a biological researcher in the teachers training center of Mianzhu city, went to Feng's home on August 13, 2015. According to the preliminary test, it is a piece of stony-iron meteorite with magnetism. Further investigation is underway.


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(Editor:Wang Ao,Bianji)

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