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Beijing ecstatic for winning 2022 Winter Olympics bid

(Xinhua)    14:23, August 01, 2015


People gather to celebrate at the Olympic Green in Beijing, capital of China, July 31, 2015. Beijing, together with its neighbor city Zhangjiakou, won the bid to host the 2022 Olympic Winter Games. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi)

by Sportswriter Ma Bangjie

BEIJING, July 31 (Xinhua) -- A proclamation of IOC President Thomas Bach about 4330 kilometers away sent Beijing into ecstasy.

The German announced to the world on Friday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that Beijing won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, making the Chinese capital the first city to host both summer and winter Olympics.

Ren Honguo, the chief official in charge of Chinese winter competitive sports, had his eyes fixed on TV at his office and could not breathe when Bach tore open the evelope to unveil the winner.

On hearing Bach's utterance, Ren jumped, cried, and hugged his colleagues who witnessed the historical moment with him.

"I can do nothing to contain myself," he said, his voice trembling. "Though almost one hour has passed, the news has yet to sink in, I sitll can do nothing to hold back the exitement which is still churning inside me," he said.

He said the IOC's decision meant tremendous to China. "It is about 300 million people who are expected to benefit from the 2022 Winter Olympics. This awards us a great opportunity to promote winter sports among them. It will be a marvelous project, an everlasting legacy. It will be an unprecedented feat pulled off by China and IOC, " he said.

Li Yan, renowned coach of Chinese short-track skating team, shared Ren's delight.

"I was nervous waiting for Bach's announcement, and I tried to imagine what it could be if Beijing would win the bid. I tried play it cool when I heard he said 'Beijing', but in vain. I jumped up, it's a knee-jerk reaction. The news just left us excited," she said.

"We were so happy that China could get this chance for which we have worked so hard and put in so much. The world gave us a chance, and we will give them a miracle in return. I am sure we will deliver the promise," she said.

Li Jingsheng, a 76-year-old retiree, joined nearly ten thousand expecting people who swarmed before a big TV screen erected in the central square of the Beijing Olympic Park. When Bach was to make the annoucement, a forest of smart phones were held to record this unforgettable moment.

Li, who got to know about the Olympic Ideals from the 2008 summer Games, was convinced that the 2022 Winter Olympics will bring new sports factors to his family.

"Beijing summer Olympics endowed my family with a great legacy -- all of us are now regular sports exercisers. My grandson is now an undergraduate, we will make sure he marries and has children before 2022. I am sure thanks to Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, my grandchildren will have the access to play winter sports," he said.

Qiu Xuejun, a boxer who performed Chinese martial arts in celebration at the square, was overwhelmed by Bach's announcement.

"This is a very special occasion, I am so proud to be part of it," he said. "My sixth feeling told me that Beijing would win. Beijing had the experience of holding excellent Olympic Games. That's our advantage."

Si Xueliang, a 34-year-old Beijing native, believed that his four-year-old daughter, like all other Beijing kids, will benefit from the 2022 Winter Olympics.

"As a Beijing citizen, I am grateful to IOC for giving Beijing the chance to hold the Winter Olympics. I don't care about the fact that Beijing will be the first city in the world to host both summer and winter Olympics, what I care is it will transform our city as well as our individual life. I am sure the sky will become blue, the air fresh, the environment better," he said.

"My daughter will grow up in an environment imbued with Olympic elements which are really positive and inspiring. I am happy for my family, especially for my daughter who has the previlige to be an Olympic girl."

Li Zijun, a 18-year-old Chinese figure skater, now began to seriously plan her preparation for the 2022 Winter Olympics.

"For the 2022 Olympics the only thing I can do is to improve my skill and be well-prepared," she said.

"Not only me, but everything, the fresh air, the convenient transportation will be fully prepared then. China is know for delivering wonderful sports games," she said.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Editor:Jin Chen,Bianji)

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