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Bus driver becomes the 498th blood stem cells donor in Henan

(People's Daily Online)    13:52, July 23, 2015

On July 22, Chen Hao’s colleagues gather at the hospitalto support him. (Photo by Li An)

Chen Hao donates blood stem cells. (Photo by Li An)

Chen Hao, a 32-years-old bus driver, donated blood stem cells for a leukemia patient in Henan Tumor Hospital on July 22, becoming the 498th blood stem cells donor in the province.

Since 2005, Chen Hao has donated nearly 3000 ml of blood in accumulation. In 2013, he joined the hematopoietic stem cell library and his blood was found to be match for a patient in April 2015.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Zhang Ruiqi,Bianji)

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