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English>>Foreign Affairs

Chinese embassy hands over humanitarian assistance to Vanuatu Red Cross

(Xinhua)    13:18, March 17, 2015

SUVA, March 16-- The Chinese embassy in Vanuatu on Monday handed over the humanitarian assistance of 100,000 U.S. dollars from the Red Cross Society of China to the Vanuatu Red Cross.

While handing over the assistance to Jacqueline Deroin de Gaillande, CEO of the Vanuatu Red Cross, Li Cuiying, charge d' affaires of the Chinese embassy, said severe Tropical Cyclone Pam has caused massive property damage and loss of lives in Vanuatu, which has China's profound sympathy and sincere condolences.

Vanuatu is a good friend of China, and China is willing to offer disaster relief assistance within the radius of its capacity, Li said.

On behalf of the Vanuatu Red Cross, de Gaillande expressed her deep appreciation and gratitude to China for offering a helping hand timely, saying the Vanuatu Red Cross will spare no efforts in distributing international disaster relief supplies under the guidance and coordination of the government of Vanuatu.

Tropical Cyclone Pam, category 5, tore through Vanuatu over the weekend, claiming lives, razing homes, smashing boats and destroying crops.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Yao Chun)

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