The critics are claiming that the national anthem is a solemn song that is a throwback to past imperialism that hails the Japanese emperor; calling for his divine reign to "last more than 8,000 generations" until the "pebbles grow into boulders lush with moss," and that being forced to sing the song restricts an individual's freedom of thought in violation of Japan's Constitution.
"If we're truly living in a democracy and, truth be told, if you look at the recent state of politics and governance under ( Prime Minister) Shinzo Abe then this is a rather large point of contention these days in Japan, then students, teachers and parents should have the freedom to choose whether they acknowledge the national flag and sing the national anthem," political analyst Teruhisa Muramatsu told Xinhua.
"Think about the U.K., the U.S. or France for example, its unimaginable to think of teacher there being forced to sing 'God Save The Queen,' 'The Star-Spangled Banner' or 'La Marseillaise,' because, as with all national anthems, the lyrics are hugely antiquated and don't agree with the ideals and virtues of modern society. So if an individual chooses to opt out of singing, then that has to be that individual's right. If the individual is forced to sing under the threat of reprisals or punishment, this is the opposite of liberty and something more akin to a dictatorship."
Muramatsu went on to explain that France has one of the most nationalistic and bloody anthems of all countries, quoting sections of the song as saying: "To arms citizens from your battalions, March, march, let impure blood, water our furrows... What! These foreign cohorts! They would make laws in our courts! What! These mercenary phalanxes would cut down our warrior sons. Good Lord! ..."
"Drive on sacred patriotism, support our avenging arms, liberty, cherished liberty, join the struggle with your defenders, under our flags, let victory, hurry to your manly tone, so that in death your enemies see your triumph and our glory!"
"This is a call to arms and pledge to obliterate anyone who isn 't 'pure French,' if my understanding is correct," said Muramatsu. "I can imagine in days long since past, this battle cry really rallied the troops under one banner, prior to facing their enemies in bloody battles to maintain sovereignty, but those days are long gone and France's socio-cultural demographic is one of the most diverse in the world. It would be immoral and preposterous to expect a naturalized French citizen from Senegal, for example, to sing of letting 'impure' blood water the troops' furrows," said Muramatsu, "let alone forcing that citizen to do so."
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