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Male manicurist in a realm of females (4)

(People's Daily Online)    08:44, May 27, 2015
Liu Yongcong does customer's nails. (Zhejiang Online/Tong Xiaolei, Chen Jia)

Manicure used to be a business for women, but now it is becoming less exclusive — not only are there more male manicurists, but they are even more popular than female manicurists.

Liu Yongcong has been a manicurist for six years. After overcoming all the obstacles and discrimination, he is now the chief manicurist of a shop and licensed manicure trainer. Last week, he moved to Hangzhou from Guangzhou because he thought the unsaturated manicure market in Hangzhou had more potential.


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(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Yao Chun)

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