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92-year-old academician writes 60 years love poems for his wife (4)

(People's Daily Online)    08:20, April 08, 2015
Photos of Chen Lian and Feng Duan’s 60 years of marriage.

It was their 60th anniversary – their diamond wedding - and 92 year old Nanjing University academician Feng Duan held his wife Chen Lianfang's hand as they went to a bookstore to celebrate the occasion.

Feng Duan is a leading Chinese authority in the field of physics and an excellent educator. He graduated from National Central University (which later changed its name to Nanjing University) in 1964. He has remained at the university ever since, and made a great contribution to the school and to the field of physics.

Chen Lianfang was also an alumna of the National Central University. But she did not meet Feng until 1952 when one of her high school classmates insisted she accompany her to a sodality. They started to date after the first meeting. Feng Duan gave Chen two collections of poems, the Bronze Horseman and He Qifang's work. Graduated they grew closer.

In 1955, they married. "Every time he went for a trip, he always wrote me poems," Chen told journalists. "If he thought he had not done a good job, he would rewrite them the next morning." She brought out a red leather suitcase which contains all the love poems and letters Feng has written for her over the past 60 years. They think it the most romantic thing to celebrate their 60th anniversary at a bookstore. 

This article is edited and translated from 《92岁南大院士为夫人写60年情诗 书店庆祝结婚纪念日》,source: People's Daily Online, author: Yang Tianzi


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