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You'd better save your money in banks! (7)

(People's Daily Online)    18:29, March 30, 2015
(CCTV/Zhao Xu)

For fear of being stolen, Sun Daozhong, a waste picker in Yuncheng, northern China's Shanxi province, put more than 10,000 yuan into a glass bottle and buried them 10 years ago. But Sun could not figure out the exact location where he buried that money after a long period of time. Finally Sun dug out the banknotes but some of them had gone mouldy. Fortunately, after identification, Sun got all the 10,750 yuan from a bank.

Reminder from banks: Banknotes are not suitable to be kept on one's own. People should save the money in banks.


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(Editor:Yuan Can,Gao Yinan)

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