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China supports IGAD's mediation efforts on South Sudan

(Xinhua)    19:16, January 12, 2015

BEIJING, Jan. 12  -- China supports the mediation efforts of the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) on the South Sudan issue, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Monday.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a consultation with the IGAD and conflicting parties of South Sudan on Monday afternoon in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, spokesman Hong Lei said.

The conflicts in South Sudan have an adverse impact on both the people there and regional peace and stability, Hong said. China encourages the conflicting parties of South Sudan to resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation, he said.

Hong said the consultation aims to discuss how to support the IGAD in promoting reconciliation and realizing peace and stability in South Sudan at an early date.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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