Fri,Oct 17,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Chinese VP meets SPLM delegation

(Xinhua)    16:38, October 17, 2014
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BEIJING, Oct. 17  -- Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao met with a delegation of Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) on Friday, led by SPLM's acting secretary-general Anne Itto.

Li said China attaches great importance to the relations with South Sudan and supports the independent choice of the South Sudanese people on a development path according to their national conditions.

The Communist Party of China(CPC) is willing to work with the SPLM to enhance personnel exchanges and experience sharing on state governance, so as to promote bilateral friendly and cooperative relations.

Anne Itto said the SPLM is ready to enhance experience sharing and all-round pragmatic cooperation with the CPC, in a bid to push for peace, stability and development in South Sudan.

(Editor:Ma Xiaochun、Huang Jin)
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