Tue,Dec 30,2014

Editor's Pick

AirAsia plane discovered in Indonesia's water

(Xinhua)    19:30, December 30, 2014
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JAKARTA, Dec. 30-- Rescuers on Tuesday saw a shadow believed to be part of a plane around the waters where an exit door, several objects and six bodies were found off Pangkalan Bun of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia., and are confirmed as parts of AirAsia missing plane, a rescuer said here.

Bambang Sulistyo, head of the national search and rescue agency, said that he was certain that the search and rescue operation will succeed.

The rescue chief told a press conference that he was 95 percent sure that the findings belong to the missing AirAsia plane that lost contact with the air control tower 42 minutes after taking off on Sunday morning.

Dwi Putranto, an Air Force senior officer, said earlier the objects were found some 190 km from Pangkalan Bun of Central Kalimantan province.

The Singapore-bound AirAsia plane carried 162 people , including 155 Indonesians, three South Koreans, and one person each from Malaysia, Singapore, Britain and France.

AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes said on Tuesday that his heart was filled with sadness for all families involved in Flight QZ8501.

"On behalf of AirAsia my condolences to all. Words cannot express how sorry I am," he said on his twitter account, adding that he was rushing to Surabaya, Indonesia, where the ill-fated plane took off.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Bianji)
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