Tue,Dec 30,2014

Editor's Pick

Objects suspected of being parts of missing AirAsia plane spotted in Indonesian waters

(Xinhua)    14:42, December 30, 2014
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JAKARTA, Dec. 30 -- Objects suspected of being parts of a missing AirAsia passenger plane were spotted in Indonesia's waters on Tuesday, an Air Force officer said.

The objects were found some 190 km from Pangkalan Bun of Central Kalimatan province, Dwi Putranto, an Air Force senior officer, told TV One.

"In the area, several objects with colors of orange, white, brown and blacks have been spotted. And they are small," he said.

A search team has been sent to the scene to verify the latest findings, he said. A sea and aerial search expanded since Flight QZ8501 disappeared on Sunday en route from Indonesia's Java island to Singapore. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Liang Jun,Yao Chun)
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