Sat,Dec 13,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

Sichuan-Tibet highway in 60 years

(People's Daily Online)    10:29, December 13, 2014
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Photo shows the meandering Sichuan-Tibet highway in Changdu, Tibet. (CNS/Liu Zhongjun)

Tremendous changes have taken place since the Sichuan-Tibet highway was built 60 years ago. The road, which was opened to traffic in 1954, was built by 110 thousand people in four years. Crossing multi-landforms including more than 20 mountains, grasslands, forests, glaciers and valleys, it is called "the most beautiful highway" in China. It is also a highway which leads Tibetans to happiness and fortune.

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(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)
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