Fri,Dec 12,2014
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Cosplay photos of college students go viral online (2)

(People's Daily Online)    13:23, December 12, 2014
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I Do I Do (Photo/Newssc.org)

A group of cosplay photos by students from Sichuan Agricultural University goes viral on the Internet. Girls on the photo wear same sunglasses and hats in different colors, posing exactly like the characters on movie and TV show posters.

"We took this group of photos on Nov. 13, and posted them on Weibo in December after we finished editing. We didn't expect that much attention," said Wang, the photographer of these photos. Luo, Wang’s roommate, said that they started with their dormitory as a trial and later they are planning to take cosplay photos of other classmates.

"The five of us are really good friends. We bought our hats and glasses together when we were having a group tour to Jiuzhaigou Valley. It was really eye-catching when we got together. These are probably going to be our'standard outfits'," said Zhao. 


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(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Yao Chun)
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