Fri,Dec 12,2014
English>>Life & Culture

'Mao Live House' – Home to China's rock 'n' roll

(China.org.cn)    14:17, December 12, 2014
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Editor's note: "Mao Live House" is a rock music venue in Beijing. The brand name originated in Japan, but has become popular in China since February 2007 when the venue opened in Beijing. Located in Gulou Dadongjie in the eastern district of the capital city, it covers an area of 480 square meters and can accommodate 600 people. In the past seven years, it has welcomed numerous Chinese and foreign bands and gained a good reputation among music lovers. Performances take place three to four times a week on average and its impact on the local music industry has made it a symbol of a new period in Chinese rock music.

Music fans like to sign their names and write comments on a wall of the Beijing Mao Live House that has become the focus of memories for all rock music lovers. [Photo/China.org.cn]

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(Editor:Yuan Can,Zhang Qian)
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