Mon,Dec 8,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

Blacksmith couple in N China (5)

(People's Daily Online)    08:40, December 08, 2014
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Zhang Qingfa, 49, and his wife Lan Liangzh, 48, live in a small town in Jishan county in north China's Shanxi province. They have been married for 27 years and run a blacksmith workshop for 27 years. With the money earned, they have raised three children-two girls and one boy. The boy received education in university and now works in Taiyuan, capital of the province.

Due to the decreasing demand on blacksmithing work, it is hard to earn money now. But the couple still loves their traditional handcraft and continues to work on it every day. (CNS/Zhang Dan)


(Editor:Huang Jin,Zhang Qian)
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