Sun,Dec 7,2014

Somali PM succumbs to vote of no confidence in parliament

(Xinhua)    10:32, December 07, 2014
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Mohamed Osman Jawari, Speaker of Somalia's Federal Parliament announces the result of the vote of no confidence in Mogadishu, capital of Somalia, Dec. 6, 2014. Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed on Saturday succumbed to vote of no confidence in the parliament. (Xinhua/Faisal Isse)

Mohamed Osman Jawari, Speaker of Somalia's Federal Parliament announces the result of the vote of no confidence in Mogadishu, capital of Somalia, Dec. 6, 2014. Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed on Saturday succumbed to vote of no confidence in the parliament. (Xinhua/Faisal Isse)

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(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Bianji)
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