Fri,Dec 5,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

Charitable foundation ‘Concern’ raised £ 20,000 for charity (2)

By Bai Tianxing (People's Daily Online)    10:20, December 05, 2014
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Charitable foundation Concern raises £ 20,000 for charity. (Photo/People's Daily Online)

LONDON, Dec. 4 (People's Daily Online) —— An old adage states: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Charitable Foundation "Concern", collaborating with a sustainable farming project in Zambia called RAIN (Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition), held a Charity fundraising dinner this Monday. Nearly 100 people, Jeremy Coller foundation and the UK government contributed to make this fundraising campaign for Concern a complete success.

Funds raised up are over GBP 20,000 (GBP 7,000 at the dinner) and will be destined to RAIN. It will benefit more than 500 families assisting them in setting up farms where they will grow their own vegetables.

RAIN, which focuses on teaching and kick-starting family farming in Zambia to allow hundreds of families to grow their own food so they can feed themselves with enough nutritious food they vitally need to avoid under nourishment and anaemia. 


(Editor:Zhang Qian,Huang Jin)
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