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Express industry a dark horse in China's economy

(People's Daily Online)    10:30, December 04, 2014
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The busy express center. (Photo source:Xinhua)

By the end of October 2014, China's express companies had made a total of over 10 billion deliveries. Statistics show that by the third quarter of this year, China's express volume had been growing for 44 months in a row, with a year-on-year average increase of over 50 percent.

From 100 million deliveries in 2000, through 1 billion deliveries in 2006, to 10 billion deliveries this year, China's express industry has been a dark horse in China's economy. How could the express industry develop so rapidly? And what strategies should the express companies adopt to maintain the momentum?  

The "Singles' Day" buying spree of 2014 has been over for some time, but the great sales performance of E-businesses is still vivid in our mind. Taking the opportunity of the rapid development of E-commerce, the express industry has entered the fast lane.   

According to the State Postal Bureau, during this year's "Singles' Day" shopping festival, a total of 540 million packages were delivered from Nov. 11 to Nov. 16, a year-on-year growth of 56%.

In recent years, express companies have actively invested in infrastructure construction and technological applications to innovate their service offering. New types of services such as WeChat public account, mobile APP, self-picking up have greatly improved their business and provided much convenience to customers.

Meanwhile, many express companies are accelerating network construction to stretch their service from cities to villages and from east provinces to west provinces. YT Express air transportation can reach 118 airports, covering over 600 cities. Yunda Express has over 70 transfer centers, 40,000 service stations and 20,000 carrier vehicles, covering most cities and towns.

According to insiders, in order to keep the momentum of growth, the express companies need to further develop the market and satisfy the needs of individual customers.

China's express companies also have prospects of a great future in cross-border logistics. YT Express has made a deal with CJ Korea Express this April to provide express service to South Korea. YT Express has opened service centers in Los Angeles and Seattle in U.S. and the state of Hesse in Germany this year. SF Express has also launched their B2B cross-border service, competing with other international express companies. 

The article is edited and translated from《快递业成为经济黑马》, source: People's Daily Overseas Edition, author: Chai Yifei.

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(Editor:Kong Defang,Yao Chun)
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