Thu,Dec 4,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Female PLA General taken into custody for alleged bribery

(CRI Online)    10:16, December 04, 2014
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A female major general is under investigation by the procuratorial authorities of China's military forces days ago for suspicion of bribery, the Website Caixin.com reports.

Gao Xiaoyan served as political commissar and discipline inspector of The PLA Information Engineering University before being taken away by military prosecutors.

She was the first female general to be snared since China's drastic anti-corruption campaign launched in 2012.

Gao is suspected of taking bribes related to a number of construction projects when she served as political commissar at the 309th Hospital of the PLA from 2005 to 2012.

(Editor:Yuan Can,Yao Chun)
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