Mon,Dec 1,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

College student and his homemade costumes for 'The Avengers' (6)

(People's Daily Online)    10:19, December 01, 2014
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Zu makes new costumes. (Chinanews/Zhang Yao)

Zu Bingqun is a senior student of Changchun University of Technology, who also is a big fan of Marvel heroes. Starting from 2012, Zu began to make costumes of the Marvel heroes. Till now he has already finished the costumes of Iron Man, Captain America and Thor that look just exactly like the ones in the movies. Zu says that making these costumes is just like realizing his childhood superhero dream. He plans to make all the costumes of the characters in "The Avengers", and he and his friends hope to wear them to watch the premiere of The Avengers II: Age of Ultron.


(Editor:Yao Xinyu、Zhang Qian)
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