Sat,Nov 29,2014

Editor's Pick

Premier: Govt to beef up anti-AIDS efforts (5)

(Chinadaily.com.cn)    19:48, November 29, 2014
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Premier Li Keqiang inspects Beijing You'an Hospital and visited AIDS patients, volunteers for AIDS prevention and medical staff on Nov 28, 2014. [Photo/gov.cn]

Premier Li Keqiang inspected Beijing You'an Hospital and visited AIDS patients, volunteers for AIDS prevention and medical staff on Nov 28, just before the 27th World AIDS Day, which falls on Dec 1 every year.

The hospital is one of the earliest medical institutions offering services for AIDS patients. It has made outstanding contributions to AIDS epidemiological investigation, clinical treatment, drug development, medical training, international cooperation and publicity.

When talking with AIDS patients, experts and representatives of international organizations at You'an Hospital, the Premier said that the government should shoulder the major responsibility of fighting AIDS. Li said that the government's investment into fighting AIDS cannot be reduced.

He said the government must help anti-AIDS organizations cope with the fall in funding after international organizations pulled back from providing special funds for AIDS.

The Premier said AIDS patients and their families need more respect and care. Societal attitudes toward AIDS patients reflects the level of a society's civilization and progress. The old attitudes of fear surrounding the topic of AIDS must be abandoned and AIDS patients need more care.


(Editor:Zhang Qian、Bianji)
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