Thu,Nov 27,2014
English>>China Politics

Editor's Pick

More corrupt Shanxi officials expelled from CPC

(Xinhua)    08:05, November 27, 2014
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TAIYUAN, Nov. 26 -- Four officials in north China's Shanxi Province have been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and dismissed from public office, said the provincial discipline watchdog on Wednesday.

Investigations found that Zhang Xiuping, former deputy secretary of the CPC Jinzhong City Committee, took advantage of her post to seek profits for others in exchange for a huge amount of money and property, and committed adultery, said a statement.

Another official Wang Min, former head of the discipline authority in Yangquan City, took advantage of his post to seek profits for others, and accepted a huge amount of money and property.

Both of them seriously violated CPC discipline and are suspected of breaking the law, it said.

Another two officials expelled from CPC and dismissed from public posts were Yang Xiaobo, former mayor of Gaoping, a county-level city, and Qin Jianxiao, former secretary of the CPC Zezhou County Committee of Jincheng City, according to the statement.

Many high-ranking officials in coal-rich Shanxi have fallen from grace during the anti-corruption drive.

(Editor:Liang Jun、Bianji)
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