Wed,Nov 26,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Domestic violence draft law in works

(Global Times)    14:01, November 26, 2014
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China has defined the scope of domestic abuse for the first time in a draft domestic violence law published on Tuesday, after years of calls for such legislation.

According to the draft, domestic violence refers to physical or mental abuse, or both, between family members including spouses, parents, children and other close relatives who live together. Violence in families with adopted children is also included. The draft excluded violence between people in a relationship, or who are cohabiting or divorced.

The draft also set up a reporting mechanism for victims to ask for help. All social organizations or individuals are entitled to report domestic violence to the police.

The legislation also requires local governments to provide shelters for victims.

As for juveniles or elderly who suffer from domestic abuse, welfare organizations, schools and medical institutions are required to report domestic abuse to the police when dealing with victims who have no or limited capability to report by themselves. Those whose failure to report in a timely manner leads to severe consequences will assume legal liabilities.

Legislators have been submitting proposals to get a domestic violence law on the agenda of the country's top legislature since 2008, news portal people.com.cn reported.

The release of the draft was timed to coincide with International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The public has been invited to submit comments on the draft on the website of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council.

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(Editor:Ma Xiaochun、Yao Chun)
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