Sat,Nov 8,2014
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College students' red carpet show rivals film festival (10)

(People's Daily Online)    10:23, November 08, 2014
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Fancy cars provided for students for free. (People’s Daily Online/Huo Yaping)

Senior students of Henan University of Technology gave a red carpet show on campus, Nov. 4, 2014. With fancy cars and stylish outfits, the whole event looked just like an official film festival.

Yuan Baowei, the manager of a used car dealership in Henan said he came on board right away after he heard the students' idea. "They planned the whole event themselves, and they were so excited about this. I really wanted to help them reserve some unforgettable college memories," said Yuan. On that day, cars like Porsche, Land Rover, BMW were provided by the dealership for free. Yuan also said that he would keep on supporting students' activities in the future.

A teacher of the university said that the ability of organizing and executing is very important for students of Broadcasting and Hosting Art majors. Events like this not only help students build self-confidence, but also prepare them for future jobs.


(Editor:Yao Xinyu、Gao Yinan)
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