Thu,Nov 6,2014
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94-year-old pediatrician

(People's Daily Online)    13:37, November 06, 2014
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Zhang Jinzhe, 94, a pediatrician at Beijing Children’s Hospital. (China Youth Daily)

Zhang Jinzhe, prestigious pediatrician, one of the founders of China's modern pediatric surgery and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, has performed surgery for over 10,000 children in his nearly 70 years career. He has received patients every Monday and Thursday for several decades. Directors of the hospital ask him to have more rest for many times, but he wants to help more patients. Besides outpatient service, he also goes the rounds of the wards and discusses works with young doctors. He says that the patients trust a white-haired old man, so he can't stop working. The work keeps him healthy.


(Editor:Kong Defang、Liang Jun)
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