Wed,Sep 24,2014

Airstrikes against IS in Syria "only the beginning": Pentagon (4)

(Xinhua)    10:41, September 24, 2014
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US Lieutenant General William Mayville (R) briefs the press during a briefing at the Pentagon in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, Sept. 23, 2014. The airstrikes on the Islamic State (IS) targets in Syria overnight Monday were "only the beginning" of a coalition effort of the Unites States and its Arabic allies in the anti-IS fight, a Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday. Meanwhile, U.S. Lieutenant General William Mayville detailed the airstrikes, saying that the initial attack came in three waves. The first was launched from sea by cruise missiles followed by waves of U.S. and Arab bombers and fighters. (Xinhua/Bao Dandan)


(Editor:Kong Defang、Zhang Qian)
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