Wed,Aug 13,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

The Muslims involved in relief work (6)

(People's Daily Online)    08:47, August 13, 2014
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Ma Wufen, a 65-year-old ethnic Hui, called upon some 20 Muslim volunteers to distribute food and fruit to the victims and rescue workers in Ludian County, southwest China’s Yunnan Province on August 11, 2014. They prepared Muslim food for more than one thousand people and sent the food to Longtoushan Town, the epicenter of the Ludian earthquake. Starting from August 5, they’ve been spending more than 5,000 yuan every day on preparation of the relief food and all their money comes from donations by people of different ethnic groups such as the Muslim communities. (Chinanews.com/ Yang Kejia)


(Editor:Ma Xiaochun、Yao Chun)

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