Wed,Jul 23,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

PLA opens military academy to media (21)

(People's Daily Online)    13:07, July 23, 2014
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The Engineering Academy of Armored Forces of the People’s Liberation Army opens to an entourage of home and international journalists on the occasion of the 87th Anniversary of the Chinese Army. (Photo/Gao Zhehua)

The Engineering Academy of Armored Forces of the People’s Liberation Army opened to an entourage of domestic and international journalists on the occasion of Chinese Army’s 87th anniversary.

On July 22, 2014, more than 100 journalists from China and other countries were invited to visit the PLA Engineering Academy of Armored Forces for the first time.

The academy showcased highly qualified personnel and its focus on recruiting more educated soldiers, as well as reform efforts to modernize itself.

Since 2008, China has opened some key military bases to international journalists. China’s military now has contact with more than 150 countries and participates in about 400 exchanges with foreign military delegations each year.


(Editor:Gao Yinan、Zhang Qian)

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