Wed,Jul 16,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Red alert for Hunan's downpours (5)

(Xinhua)    08:27, July 16, 2014
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More than 120,000 locals and tourists have been evacuated since Monday night as record downpours hit Fenghuang County, a tourist destination renowned for its ancient town.

People wade through the street in Fenghuang County of central China's Hunan Province, July 15, 2014. More than 120,000 locals and tourists have been evacuated since Monday night as record downpours hit Fenghuang County, a tourist destination renowned for its ancient town. Power supply in the county has been cut off and multiple temporary settlements set up in the county seat to cater for the evacuated people. The local hydrographical bureau issued a red alert, the highest level in the country's four-tier warning system, at 10:10 a.m. on Tuesday. (Xinhua/Yin Zhong)


(Editor:Kong Defang、Yao Chun)

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