Tue,Jul 15,2014
English>>China Society

Woollen garment industry attracts fashion models in E China's township (7)

(Xinhua)    13:49, July 15, 2014
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Brazilian model Cristian has coffee before posing for photos in Puyuan Township of Tongxiang City, east China's Zhejiang Province, July 14, 2014. As a senior model, he is paid 2,000 RMB yuan (322 U.S dollars) per hour. With the booming development of woollen garment industry in Puyuan, many foreigners were attracted here and work as fashion models to earn their living. At present, over 100 foreigners are active models in the township, who come from at least 20 countries. In 2013, the annual turnover of woollen garment in Puyuan reached 23 billion RMB yuan (3.71 billion U.S. dollars), accounting for 60 percent of the market nationwide. (Xinhua/Xu Yu)


(Editor:Kong Defang、Zhang Qian)

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