Mon,Jun 16,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Bilateral cooperation gaining momentum as Chinese premier visits Britain (2)

(Xinhua)    13:40, June 16, 2014
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Li's visit indicates that China and Britain have managed to ride out difficulties in their relationship and put bilateral interaction back on the right track.

Relations between the two global heavyweights took a nosedive in May 2012 when Cameron met with the Dalai Lama despite Beijing's objections.

Not until late last year did the icy China-Britain relationship begin to thaw.

In October 2013, a high-level British delegation headed by Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne visited China before a visit by Cameron in December.

Cameron's visit to China "served as a sign that China-Britain relations had returned to normal," commented Ma, who is also a former Chinese ambassador to Britain.

Li's visit to Britain is expected to push the bilateral ties to a new high. The Chinese premier and his British counterpart will hold five-hour intensive talks. In addition to the official functions, Li and his wife will also have tete-a-tete interactions with the Camerons.

"I believe, these arrangements will help to build up trust and consolidate close working and personal relations at the highest level," said Ambassador Liu.

"As long as we respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and handle the differences properly, we could further strengthen the relations between the two countries," he told Xinhua. 


(Editor:Huang Jin、Liang Jun)

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