Tue,Jun 3,2014
English>>Life & Culture

In pictures: Yemen manuscripts repair center (4)

(Xinhua)    19:17, June 03, 2014
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A Yemeni expert restores manuscripts inside a repair center in Sanaa, Yemen, on June 2, 2014. Yemeni government began the restoration of the manuscripts in 1980. In the repair center, there are 16,000 ancient parchment fragments, some of which are among the oldest Quran manuscripts in the world.

A Yemeni expert restores manuscripts inside a repair center in Sanaa, Yemen, on June 2, 2014. Yemeni government began the restoration of the manuscripts in 1980. In the repair center, there are 16,000 ancient parchment fragments, some of which are among the oldest Quran manuscripts in the world. (Xinhua/Mohammed Mohammed)



(Editor:Gao Yinan、Bianji)

