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Property developer hands out cash to buyers (3)

(CRI Online)    09:53, March 17, 2015

Property owners count the money they received from the property company in Luo Yang, Henan Province on March 15, 2015. [Photo: cankaoxiaoxi.com]

A group of photos circulating online shows the company staff made a wall out of the cash to be handed out, attracting wide public attention.

The "cash wall" has triggered heated discussion among Chinese netizens.

Since the previous promotional activities, many netizens have said this was just a way of flaunting wealth without any social benefits.

The property company since explained that the money they handed out through the promotional activities were all part of their advertisement cost, and they have fulfilled their social responsibilities by doing other charities.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Editor:Kong Defang,Yao Chun)

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