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Chinese economy foresees better prospects (2)

(People's Daily Online)    08:24, March 10, 2014
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Is China still favored by foreign investors?

Response】In January of this year, China's actual use of foreign investment achieved double-digit growth, which shows that China is still a favorite for foreign investors.

According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce (MOC), in January of this year, China's actual use of foreign investment amounted to 10.76 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 16 percent. The MOC spokesperson Shen Danyang said this was the most convincing answer to the question whether China still offers a sound investment environment, or whether foreign investors still have confidence in China's economic development.

CPPCC member Guo Yuanqiang said the actual use of foreign investment in Gaungdong, the country's leading foreign trade province, reached almost 25 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of just under 6 percent. The service sector accounted for 45.1 percent, up 4.5 percentage points. In addition, contracted foreign investment and actual use of foreign investment from the European Union rose 103.3 percent and 107.6 percent respectively.

"From the perspective of developing business, the economic downturn is exaggerated", said NPC deputy Cui Genliang, also President of Hengtong Group.

The structure of export business is being optimized in Jiangsu. In January, mechanical and electrical products exports amounted to 109 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8 percent over the same period of last year, accounting for 61.7 percent of the province's exports, which reflects the trend of transformation and upgrading.

A figure from Kunshan's labor-intensive industries also shows the changes brought about by industrial transformation - laptop assembly has declined from 120 million units in 2010 to 65 million units in 2013. It is understood that equipment manufacturing, modern services, photoelectric information technology, renewable energy and other fields are all new growth areas for investment by Taiwanese companies.

【1】 【2】 【3】

(Editor:LiangJun、Gao Yinan)

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