Tue,Dec 31,2013
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Exploring China-US relations

(People's Daily Online)    13:42, December 31, 2013
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"The Chinese and US defense ministries have conducted effective communications over the issue. Both sides see opportunities for developing their relationship at the military level and both are willing to coordinate and cooperate." "I don't think it was a crisis-level incident by any stretch. I don't believe tensions have heightened. The near-miss won't affect U.S.-China military to military relations."

At the end of 2013, the Chinese defense ministry and the US Pentagon spoke to the world with one voice: minimizing the effects of the ship encounter in the South China Sea and focusing on the broader picture.

According to J. Stapleton Roy, former US ambassador to China, this indicates that in spite of rivalry on various fronts between the two countries, China and the US are trying to keep strategic conflict under control, setting the right tone for future development of their relationship.

"Looking back on 2013, the development of China-US relations has seen both highs and lows. Both countries are learning to minimize existing problems. This requires strong and wise leadership, and it also takes time." Roy told a Chinanews reporter.

A Year of 'finding the right gear'

2013 marks the first year for both China's new administration and Obama's second-term presidency. From Xi Jinping's meeting with Obama in California through Biden's second visit to China, to China's new defense minister's visit to the US, the old and new faces in the two leaderships are swiftly figuring out their own "diplomatic dance steps".

"Both China and the US want to avoid the fate of clashes and confrontation between the two major powers. At least the top leaders of both sides are trying to talk things over in a common language. That is a step forward." Roy said.

Against such a backdrop, the once vulnerable relationship between the two militaries has become a positive force in the bilateral relationship this year: Chinese defense minister Chang Wanquan and Navy Commander Wu Shengli visited the US; US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey and Air Force Chief of Staff Mark Welsh visited China; the Chinese and US navies conducted joint counter-piracy exercise; China sent troops to the US for a joint land exercise for the first time.

"The relationship between the two militaries is prone to fluctuations. That is why China and the US have made frequent cooperative moves this year. Military competition has always been the thorniest problem and both countries want to lengthen the shortest stave in their relationship. " Roy observed.

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(Editor:SunZhao、Zhang Qian)

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