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Chinese premier arrives in Switzerland for first trip to Europe


08:51, May 24, 2013

ZURICH, Switzerland, May 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived here Thursday evening for an official visit to Switzerland, his first trip to Europe since he took office in March.

"The choice of Switzerland as the first destination for my first European trip since I became Chinese premier means that I hope to strengthen bilateral high-level exchanges, achieve new breakthroughs in mutually beneficial cooperation, enhance understanding and friendship between the two peoples and promote the long-term healthy and stable development of our friendly relations," Li said in a written statement upon his arrival.

He noted that Switzerland is among the first Western countries to establish diplomatic ties with China and an important European partner of China in economic, technological and financial cooperation.

Li said he expected to meet with the Swiss leaders and friends from all walks of life during his visit, carry out deep exchanges on issues of common concern and listen to opinions on the development of bilateral ties.

"I believe this visit will lift China-Switzerland relations to a new stage," said Li.

Li is scheduled to meet with President of the Swiss Confederation Ueli Maurer, Vice President Didier Burkhalter and Head of Federal Department of Economic Affairs Johann Schneider-Ammann.

The two countries are expected to sign a series of agreements to strengthen cooperation in various areas.

On the eve of his visit, Li published a signed article in Neue Zuricher Zeitung, a German-language Swiss daily, highlighting the importance China attaches to its relations with Switzerland.

"Switzerland is the first European destination on the list of countries I will visit after becoming China's premier. In Chinese culture, being 'first' always carries symbolic meaning," Li said in the article.

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