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China hopes to boost ties through Indian FM's visit: spokeswoman


19:33, May 08, 2013

BEIJING, May 8 (Xinhua) -- China hopes to boost its relations with India through Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid's upcoming visit, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a Wednesday press briefing.

Hua's remarks came in response to a question about Khurshid's visit, as well as a recent boundary dispute between the two countries.

Hua said that in recent years, bilateral relations have seen increasing political trust, practical cooperation and effective coordination on international and regional affairs.

She said the sound development of bilateral ties conforms to the interests of both peoples, as well as to maintaining peace, stability and prosperity in Asia and the world.

Media reports cited a recent standoff that occurred along the China-India border as a potential problem for Khurshid's visit, which will take place from May 9 to 10. Both sides reached an agreement on Monday to end the standoff.

Hua said properly resolving border issues is in the fundamental interests of both countries.

Both sides have demonstrated a constructive attitude toward maintaining peace along their border, Hua said.

"We are ready to work with India to jointly safeguard peace and stability along the border and promote the healthy development of bilateral ties," she said.

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