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Mastiff bite kills toddler in NE China


21:22, June 28, 2013

DALIAN, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Police said Friday that they have detained a man after the dog he raised fatally bit a toddler in Dalian, northeast China's Liaoning Province.

The man's Tibetan mastiff bit the neck of a three-and-a-half-year-old girl surnamed Li around 7 p.m. on Thursday near a grocery store in the city's high-tech zone, according to a police officer with the city's public security bureau.

Li's mother, who took her daughter to the store to buy drinking water, and others used bricks and sticks to get the dog away from the girl. She then took her daughter to a local hospital, where she died, said the officer.

The dog's owner, a man surnamed Bi, illegally raised the Tibetan mastiff since April 2012. He has been detained for negligent homicide, and police have taken the mastiff to a dog pound.

Also on Thursday, a male mastiff freed itself from its chains and attacked two passersby, a man and a woman, in Beijing's Pinggu District. The attack happened around 9 a.m., when the dog's owner had the mastiff chained up outside so he could clean the doghouse. The woman sustained injuries to her back and leg, and the dog bit the man in his arm and shoulder, according to the district's public security bureau.

On June 15, police in the city of Ningbo, east China's Zhejiang Province, shot dead a Tibetan mastiff as it attacked a 52-year-old man surnamed Wang. Wang's injuries were not life threatening.

According to China Central Television, video surveillance footage from June 3 showed a Tibetan mastiff tackle a little girl playing on the side of the road in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province. The dog bit her and did not release her until a passerby hit it with a motorcycle and two sticks. After surgery, the girl's thigh injuries were not life threatening.

The cases have sparked controversy online, with netizens calling for a tougher ban on raising violent dogs.

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