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English>>China Society

Guangdong arson suspect admits anger over labor dispute


09:59, December 06, 2012

GUANGZHOU, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- A man arrested on suspicion of a deadly arson attack on an underwear factory in south China's Guangdong Province confessed on Wednesday that he committed the crime out of anger over a labor dispute, according to investigators.

Fourteen people were killed in a blaze that broke out at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the factory in a four-story building in the city of Shantou. A single injured worker is being treated at a local hospital.

The municipal emergency response office on Wednesday identified the suspect as Liu Shuangyun, 26, from central China's Hunan Province.

Liu was caught by police in the city of Puning at around 10 p.m. on Tuesday. He allegedly bought petroleum to set the fire and fled the scene afterward.

The fire was contained within half an hour and extinguished within one hour, after burning an area of more than 200 square meters.

Liu had worked in the factory for about one year and been paid on a piece-work arrangement for producing underwear.

The factory boss, surnamed Chen, had always docked his wages, taking a total of about 3,000 yuan (481.8 U.S. dollars) to date, said Liu while being questioned by police.

Chen refused to pay the sum to Liu when he tried to claim his wages recently, Liu said.

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