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English>>China Society

China conducts survey of endangered Siberian tigers


09:20, November 12, 2012

HARBIN - Authorities in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province are conducting a survey to find the exact number of endangered Siberian tigers as their numbers may have increased.

Sun Haiyi, deputy head of the Wild Animals Research Institute of Heilongjiang, said the province had set up more than 20 monitoring sites. Information will be submitted to the country's relevant authorities.

"Since 2005, wild Siberian tigers have been spotted many times by monitoring cameras in Laoye Mountain and Wanda Mountain areas in Heilongjiang," Sun told Xinhua.

He estimated that the number of wild Siberian tigers might have increased thanks to the protection efforts in recent years. Dead tigers were also found in Wanda Mountain and Mishan area, he added.

Sun said the conservation of natural forests had contributed a lot to the restoration of the food chain of Siberian tigers.

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