Thu,Oct 24,2013
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China Tibetan Culture Week opens in Germany

(Xinhua)    08:12, October 24, 2013
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The 2013 Germany China Tibetan Culture Week opened here on Wednesday, aiming to give the German people a glimpse of Tibet and its traditional culture.

The culture week, the first of its kind held in Germany, features an exhibition of more than 300 photos taken by Chinese and foreign photographers and over 50 Tibetan Thangka paintings, local customs performances, as well as Tibet-themed book exhibitions.

The event, which will last until Oct. 29, also features folk song and dance performances in Berlin and Munich, and a series of seminars and discussions between Tibetologists and the locals.

Hundreds of people visited the photo and Thangka exhibition on Wednesday, right after the opening ceremony held in downtown Berlin.

In a letter addressed to the 2013 Germany China Tibetan Culture Week, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said he believes the event will further promote China-Germany friendship and cultural exchanges.

Yu said that both China and Germany have rich history and culture and that cultural exchanges have existed for a long time despite the two countries' geographical distance, adding that the culture week aims to open a new window for the German people on the richness and diversity of the Chinese culture.

At the opening ceremony, Cui Yuying, deputy director of the Information Office of China's State Council, said the event would showcase the economic, political, cultural and social achievements Tibet had made over the past decades, and would serve as a platform through which the German people can take a closer look at Tibet and get to know the region and its traditional culture better.

Cui heads a delegation of Tibetologists and artists to the culture week.

The culture week is co-sponsored by China's State Council Information Office, the People's Government of Tibet Autonomous Region, and the Chinese embassy in Germany.

The Tibet-themed culture week has become a popular event for showcasing to the world the real Tibet under the administration of the Chinese government. The culture week has toured over 11 countries since 2001, including Australia, Canada and Spain.

(Editor:WangXin、Chen Lidan)

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